
Yukon Wealth Management believes in a disciplined, strategic approach to investing. We embrace diversification and asset allocation to limit volatility in portfolios and maximize risk-adjusted return. Our strategy is geared toward preserving and accumulating wealth while controlling risk. Our investment plans are customized for each client’s unique financial situation.

We utilize four model portfolios that are designed with downside risk in mind. Each client is given an extensive risk profile and the results are analyzed from a financial and psychological standoint. From there, we tactically allocate money and utilize institutionally priced mutual funds to manage those allocations.


Our Investment Advisory Fees start out at 1% annually and get cheaper for amounts over $2,000,000.

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Financial Planning

Yukon Wealth Management develops customized, comprehensive financial plans sensitive to our clients’ specific objectives, constraints and personal make-up. We strive to address every issue and situation that might impact your personal financial status and work to develop detailed solutions to meet our clients’ financial objectives.

Wealth Management: Organize-Analyze-Prepare

Contact us for more information.


Retirement Planning

Every phase of life has its own special financial needs and opportunities. As you and your funds mature, Yukon Wealth Management strives to protect assets and provide for continued growth of those assets. During retirement it is critical to monitor the implications of taxes and inflation regarding the distribution of life income. Yukon Wealth Management works with retirees to ensure and maintain the capital base to enjoy retirement as they see fit.

Contact us for more information.


Estate Planning

Estate planning is primarily concerned with designing a program for the effective management, enjoyment, and disposition of wealth at the least possible cost. Yukon Wealth Management believes an estate should be planned so the family and others for whom the individual cares for most receive the greatest possible beneficial enjoyment from what he or she owns. We concentrate on human objectives so we can continually meet your changing estate planning needs.

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Yukon Wealth Management realizes catastrophic events do happen and can have a devastating impact not only on the client’s personal life, but their financial life as well. We develop sensible risk management plans using various types of insurance to meet your specific needs.

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Debt Management

We all know it "takes money to make money." However, without proper planning, borrowed money can turn from a capitalist tool to an anchor around your neck. Our ongoing review of client liquidity ratios allows you to maintain the proper balance between assets and liabilities.

Contact us for more information.


Education Planning

Providing for your children's education can place a burden on your finances. However, Yukon Wealth Management can help you take advantage of special investment strategies and tax incentives that can take the sting out of the cost of higher education. Investment programs like Section 529 Plans offer tax free growth as well as offer additional ways to help minimize estate taxes.

Contact us for more information.